Tuesday, June 2, 2015

"I'm Different" - Hi Suhyun

"I'm Different" by Hi Suhyun was the first song I ever heard that had Lee Hi on it. My friend put me on to her. It was pretty much the first K-pop song I ever cared about. It didn't sound anything like Pop. "I'm Different" was a song that could've been a track on Amy Winehouse's Back to Black album. Behind the pop-packaged video and overly cute album cover lies a soulful funk track that is analogous to Amy's "You Know I'm No Good". With the great funk drumming and solid brass accompaniment, you have to wonder about YG Entertainment's potential and their ability to create more funk tracks. While Lee Suhyun's voice is technically good and clean, Lee Hi's voice is soulful and dirty. She roars during her verses.

I love the ears on Lee Hi and her preppy outfit.